Five Reasons for an Outdoor Kitchen

Ufema Contracting hopes everyone got to soak up some sun and that you all had a great Memorial Day. Memorial Day and July 4th are hands down the biggest summer holidays that unite everyone. These two holidays are perfect for cooking outside. When people think of cooking outside in summer, their brains automatically go to grilling. Whether you have a grill or griddle, that’s not the only way to cook outside. Outdoor kitchens are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Here are 5 reasons you should have an outdoor kitchen, and Ufema Contracting can build it.

1. Versatility

One of the biggest reasons homeowners have an outdoor kitchen installed is its versatility. These kitchens aren’t the usual grill setups you’re thinking of either. Outdoor kitchens come equipped with countertops, sinks, cabinets, and sometimes even a dishwasher. What’s not to love about this? All of these items make the kitchen more practical. You’ll have a surface area to prep your food, a dishwasher for dirty plates/utensils, cabinets for storage, and a sink for even more cleaning. This could be a restaurant-quality experience right at home. Outdoor kitchens also use grill and griddle surfaces, meaning your food choice isn’t limited to your cooking surface.

2. Convenience

Convenience is high on the list of reasons you should have an outdoor kitchen because of how much time you save. Just think about it, if your kitchen is outside, you won’t need to go back and forth from home to grill. You’ll also save time by not having to transport any dirty plates or utensils. Merely pop them into the dishwasher outside and they're clean. Since we live in New England, I recommend covering your outdoor kitchen area and installing a fireplace or space heater. Besides cooking the whole meal, you’ll also save time by entertaining your guests in one place.

3. Entertainment

Entertainment is a big reason why outdoor kitchens are created. Crafting them is an art and should be treated as such. Having a general contractor build your outdoor kitchen will ensure it meets building codes. You don’t want to DIY a kitchen just to get fined by the town and have it not look appealing, do you? Entertaining outside in one place is ideal for your favorite sports event, and having an outdoor TV is a perfect way to do this. Entertain guests while everyone enjoys the summer weather.

4. Increased Home Value

It’s no secret that adding an addition or renovating your home will increase the value of it. The same methodology goes for the exterior of your home. Usually, when people fully renovate their homes, they forget to upgrade the exterior too. Think of this as the same process as when you trim shrubs or plant flowers. Research suggests having an outdoor kitchen will provide a 100-200% ROI(Return On Investment). This means you’ll get more bang for your buck with an outdoor kitchen than with an entire kitchen renovation.

5. Save on Energy

Needless to say, cooking outside will surely save on energy consumption. Outdoor lights will make your kitchen look even better but natural sunlight is the best kind of light for you and won't hurt your wallet. Propane for grilling is cheap but you can also use charcoal. Cooking inside most certainly uses more energy because of the electricity. Food cooked outside not only tastes better due to the smokiness but also decreases your energy bill.

Entertaining outside doesn’t have to be a hassle that drains you at the end of the day. Sometimes convenience is worth the price tag, that’s why we buy tools to make our lives easier. The convenience and value of an outdoor kitchen is why it's worth it. There are lots of ways to increase your home value. If you dream of an outdoor kitchen, a new garage, or a simple renovation, Ufema Contracting can help. Each dream renovation should be discussed and thought out by a professional, so be sure to give us a call at (978) 771-7936 to discuss your home needs and be sure to head to to request an estimate for your next project.


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